
President Macron - the forced vaccination tyrant

In case you hadn't heard, President Macron of France has made a 'law' that parents must vaccinate their children - if not, they will not be allowed to go to school. Hmmmm - removing a human right (schooling) by denying another human right (the choice to vaccinate)? I thought that was illegal? Clearly Macron didn't get the memo on human rights. As the media continues to have zero coverage of the many deaths and brain damaged victims of vaccines, tyrannical leaders such as Macron insist that you take them anyway. It remains to be seen what kind of punishment parents will get for not taking their children to a 'forced medical procedure school'. If they had been proven to be 100% safe, then there wouldn't be a problem. If the vaccine manufacturers didn't have liability protection - so they cannot be sued for harming you, then there wouldn't be a problem. If hundreds of people every year didn't die or weren't permanently brain dama...

Death by Vaccine - 78 DEATH reports from VAERS USA 2018-2019

224 Vaccine caused Brain Damage reports 2018 - 2019

Watch Vaxxed Free Download Watch Online

Hepatitus B - Sounds Scary, But Isn't

MMR & MMRV Adverse Reactions Causing Death (from CDC VAERS)

Pro Vaccine Cult Members See Themselves as Livestock

Vaccine Meme War - How Low Can They Go ?

The Pro- Vaccine Morons Repond to This Blog


Flu Vaccine Reccomended to Pregnant Women When INSERT SAYS IT MAY BE DANGEROUS

WHO World-wide Measles statistics clearly Flawed.