Here is a compilation of repsonses from people on Facebook to information I have written on this blog to try and help people...

I presume she doesn't have kids.
Oh and the severe reactions could just be a coincidence! LOL!
And the government sources statistics on this blog are 'just someone's interpretation'!
DOES this person realise that a febrile seizure is another name for an epileptic seizure?:
"A febrile seizure, also known as a fever fit or febrile convulsion, is an epileptic seizure"
"In epileptic seizures, due to problems within the brain,[26] a group of neurons begin firing in an abnormal, excessive,[8] and synchronized manner."
Problems with the brain? That's fine for your kids?
OK Next vaccine nut-case coming up.... (I am Kelly)
My 'claim' was that a febrile seizure is a type of epileptic seizure - and that they are basicaly the same...
When this moron has nothing else to say - she then accuses me of 'championig child abuse' !!! I mean really - talk about stooping to the lowest of lows. This is truly a disgusting individual.
Is there any actual proof that 1 in 30 kids get seizures for no apparent reason? I can't find any. The closet to a source I could find said 'experts say so'.
For this to be true a study would have to be doen on unvaccinated kids, showing that 1 in 30 still get seizures. This study has never been done. So any website that claims this is simply lying to you.
Oh my god.... it just never ends.....
( I had previously said "You probably think that large portions of the population shake their babies so hard it gives them brain damage too right?!!!!" )
Apparently this makes me a 'shaken baby syndrome denier' AND THAT MEANS I AM DEFENDING CHILD ABUSE !
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