WHO says 1 in 2 people die of Mealses!
WHO are lying.
WHO are lying.

In an effort to show the relative danger of Measles, I have been taking a look at the WHO's world-wide Measles case data. It seems that you cannot even believe some government stats.
This is what the WHO says are the stats for suspected Measles cases Worldwide and deaths worldwise:
"In 2013, there were 145 700 measles deaths globally"
source: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs286/en/
But apparently there was only 320,510 suspected cases worlwide in 2013 !!
-- http://www.who.int/.../active/measlesregionalsummary.pdf...
So you serioulsy think these stats are correct? That would mean about 1 in 2 people die of measles!
That is clearly wrong. So you cannot even strust the WHO
How is anyone supposed to make an informed descision about the relative risk of a vaccine over the disease itself when the authorities data is obviosuly incorrect?
We can (possibly) take the USA's CDC data as being more accurate:
They have a page which shows stats for 2011 measles cases:
During 2011, a provisional total of 222 measles cases were reported from 31 states...
Among the 70 (32%) measles patients who were hospitalized.......No cases of encephalitis and no deaths were reported."
SOURCE: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6115a1.htm
Awwww.... But I think there WERE quite a lot of cases of both encephalitis and deaths due to the MMR vaccine now wasn't there?
See data on the relative dangers of the MMR vaccine here
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