Vaccine Meme War - How Low Can They Go ?

I recently unfortuneatly discover the Facebook page 'Refutations to Anti-Vaccine Memes'. Apart from it's ridiculous name, it posts some of the most absurd pro-vaccine illogical and unscientific nonsense I have ever seen in my life.
I mean, why not just call it 'Pro-Vaccine Memes' ?!! It's as if they thought that would sound too Authoritarian so they decided to go for the double negative name instead! The abreviation they use, RtAVM, constantly makes me think of RAt VoMit !

Anway, let's dig in to their absurd meme images...


So what are the main techniques that RtAVM use to convince you to vaccinate ?

1) LAUGH AT YOU - Nazi's laughing at you for daring to 'Think for your self' :

This kind of leaves me speechless. Can't these people see how insane they are?

2) LAUGH AT YOU SOME MORE - Laughing at you for daring to read independent media is a common theme for the RaT VomIT people, truly sickening to see :

3) TALK DOWN TO YOU LIKE A CHILD - Here is another one of their Vaccine Promotion images - Notice how it appears to be aimed at children. Or is it for people with a low mental age? 'Super Duper' ? Is that the best they can do to convince you? Notice the comments to the right of their fans... "When one is not satisfied with regular duper" and "It's duper from the planet Krypton" !!????? WOW.

Need I point out that the CDC recently stated that the Flu vaccine was only 25% effective? Their words, not mine: [ ]
 And Safe? 1 in 10,000 kids given MMR will get brain damage. Sound safe to you?

4) LIE TO YOU. Pretending that vaccines are the main thing that caused mortality rates to drop since the 1800's.  Even though this has been dis-proven many times over:

In this image, they try to make you think that kids all used to die much earlier because they didn't have vaccines. But in reality, death rates fell by more than 50% between 1850 and 1950 in America, this was BEFORE vaccines were introduced. So clearly there is more going on than just vaccines. In the image below this can clearly be seen (vaccines were introduced on a big scale in the 1940's:

On top of these idiotic meme images, if you attempt to give any real information to these people, they simply ban you from commenting on the page!

Shocked? You should be. These people are like some kind of cult of stupidity. They reinforce their own ignorance by laughing at people who are trying to give them real information, backed up by real statistics. But they prefer to just laugh and ban you! Very sad really.
