Statistics for Adverse Reactions to MMR and Pertussis Vaccines and relative danger of these diseases

I have spent quite a bit of time searching for real government statistics relating to the safety of certain vaccines as well as the risk of death from the relevant disease. These statistics may surprise you. However they are real and you must ask yourself why the Nurse or Doctor you spoke to never told you this. I can personally testify to the fact that a Nurse visited me in my home and lied to me about these statistics. I asked her "How many babies have you ever heard of dying of Pertussis?" - she blatantly lied to me by saying that she had personally been aware of 'many'.  Considering that where I live in Australia there have only been 18 deaths in 12 years, how could that be true? She lied to get me to be scared and give my child the shot - which luckily I did not, because I have researched this information myself. I warn anyone with a new baby to research this for yourself and do not trust the doctors or nurses for one minute when they tell you how 'dangerous' these diseases are. They are not. Most kids over 12 months will just get sick for a week or 2 and then they will not only recover but have natural immunity for the rest of their lives. What they also don't tell you is that these vaccines are only about 25% effective, meaning that you can risk brain damaging your baby for NOTHING AT ALL - because they can STILL GET THE DISEASE. Please print, copy, share this data with your friends:

STATISTICS For MMR brain damage & Mumps and Rubella deaths

- taken from NNii (
- this website has since removed this information from this page and have a new page with altered info: ( )

[ - update: The new page now says that 3 children out of 10,000 given MMR, or 0.03% of recipients) a 'moderate' reaction such as seizure ] Notice the bizarre introduction of the word 'moderate'. Would you use the word moderate if your child began convulsing on the floor with eyes rolling back? The people who write this stuff are sick in the head. But at least they are telling you the facts - this is an even higher rate than before: 0.03% !]

The data below was copy-pasted from the site before it was removed & changed:

1 child out of 10,000 children given MMR vaccine have a serious reaction, such as lowered consciousness, coma (this could cause brain damage), bleeding and seizures. As a percentage this is 0.01 % of children given this vaccine will have a SERIOUS reaction.

1 child out of 1,000,000 given measles vaccine, children have developed encephalitis 6-15 days after vaccination (this means very serious brain damage i.e. a vegetable state.)

[ - update: the MMR adverse reaction stats above are from this book:
Neonatal and Pediatric Pharmacology: Therapeutic Principles in Practice edited by Sumner J. Yaffe, Jacob V. Aranda and can also be found her:]

Compare this to:

The Risk of death from Mumps:

"The cumulative risk of death to a child over the first five years of life was calculated to be 0.00552 per 10,000 children or a 1 in 9,056,604 risk." ( 0.00001 % )

Rate of Long Term Sequelae or Injury: Mumps can cause encephalitis or deafness (2 - 5 per 100,000 cases) 

[ ]

A child is A THOUSAND TIMES more likely to get brain damaged from the MMR vaccines than they are to die of Mumps!

A child is 2 to 5 TIMES more likely to get brain damaged from the MMR vaccines than they are to become deaf or damaged permanently by Mumps!

Risk of death from Rubella:

"Rubella almost never causes serious illness or complications in infants and young children [1]"
"the cumulative risk of death in the first five years of life to a child who does not vaccinate was calculated to be 0.0095 per 10,000 or 1 in 1,048,329. ( 0.0001 % )

A child is A HUNDRED TIMES more likely to get brain damaged from the MMR vaccines than they are to die of  Rubella!

Risk of death from Measles:

QUOTE: "During 2011, a provisional total of 222 measles cases were reported from 31 states...
Among the 70 (32%) measles patients who were hospitalized.......No cases of encephalitis and no deaths were reported."


Notice that there were ONLY 222 measles cases in 1 YEAR.

"There have been no measles deaths reported in the U.S. since 2003" - CDC, Dr. Anne Schuchat, the director of CDC’s National Center.
Dr. Anne Schuchat, the director of CDC’s National Center - See more at:
There hs been no measles deaths reported in the U.S. since 2003. [1] - See more at:
There hs been no measles deaths reported in the U.S. since 2003. [1] - See more at:
There hs been no measles deaths reported in the U.S. since 2003. [1] - See more at:
A child is INFINITELY more likely to be brain damaged by an MMR than to die of Measles - because nobody dies of measles.

Why would anyone take this kind of risk with their child? And bear in mind that the risk of death from these diseases is only in the first few months of life. People in the past and in developing countries still realize that a baby is very fragile in the first few months when it's immune system is still developing. It should have breast milk and stay away from lots of people, especially other kids. These days many people take their new born to the supermarket with them! That is a crazy risk to take with a baby. You should try to keep them home and breast feed them for the first 3 to 6 months at least. After that the danger of death from these diseases is practically zero.

Statistics relating to PERTUSSIS vaccine and Pertussis deaths

Pertussis vaccine adverse reaction data (Australia) - taken from:

In Australia during 2009, 3.2 cases of HHE were reported per 100 000 doses of DTPa-containing vaccine given to children <1 year of age. == 0.0032%

An HHE is a Hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode, defined as an episode of pallor, limpness and unresponsiveness, Shallow respiration and child turning blue (cyanosis).

Actual risk of death from Pertussis:

"During 2012, 48,277 cases of pertussis were reported to CDC, including 20 pertussis-related deaths. This was the most reported cases since 1955. The majority of deaths occurred among infants younger than 3 months of age."
So 0.04 % of reported cases were deaths.
20 in 1 year was highest rate since the 1950's!
There were 4,000,000 babies born in the USA in 2012:

= 0.0005 % Risk of death of Pertussis in USA

The same is found in Australia:
“18 deaths were recorded in Australia between 1993 and 2004, of whom all but 2 were children under 12 months old. “ ( Government statistics: )

There are approximately 250,000 babies born each year in Australia
( )

Therefore between 1993 and 2004, there were about 3,000,000 babies born.
Let’s work out the probability - 18/3,000,000 * 100% = 0.0006 %

So a baby has a 0.0006 % chance of dying of Pertussis in Australia.

So your child is SIX TIMES more likely to have an HHE (breathing problems, turn blue and become limp and unresponsive) from DTPa (pertussis) Vaccine, than they are of ever dieing from Pertussis.

So to recap: A child is a Thousand times (Mumps), a hundred times (Rubella) and 6 times (Pertussis) MORE LIKELY to get some kind of brain damage from these vaccines than of dieing from these diseases - which again is only possible in the first few months of life, when any sensible parent should be keeping their baby away from strangers as much as possible and breastfeeding to help their immune system to be strong and develop properly.

Now for comparison please think about this:


2000, the World Health Organisation reported that in the USA,
there were 54 deaths attributable to bee stings from a population of 281 million people (Census data).

So you are more than twice as likely to die of a bee sting than of Pertussis!

On average, 90 people are killed every year in the U.S. by lightning.

Not only are these vaccines dangerous and ineffective - Studies have shown that they actually make you more likely to get other diseases. Why would that be? Because they DAMAGE your natural immune system:

Diseases in Un-vaccinated kids vs Vaccinated kids:

In this study:

"We surveyed over 9,000 boys in California and Oregon and found that vaccinated boys had a 155% greater chance of having a neurological disorder like ADHD or autism than unvaccinated boys." -Generation Rescue, June 26, 2007

1 in 88 children currently being reported as autistic by the CDC


  1. I can't wait to hear your comments!

  2. Merck are in court right now because they falsified research about the MMR vaccine. And they hid information that showed a link to Autism:

  3. No pro vaccine morons want to comment? Come on, please show us how stupid you are...


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