The Pro- Vaccine Morons Repond to This Blog

Here is a compilation of repsonses from people on Facebook to information I have written on this blog to try and help people...

This nut job thinks that giving a baby a seizure is fine because the kid is 'back to normal in an hour'. Oh well, just an hour of convulsing and eyes rolling, well they must be fine and dandy after that eh? Coz wikipedia says so.

I presume she doesn't have kids.

Oh and the severe reactions could just be a coincidence! LOL!
And the government sources statistics on this blog are 'just someone's interpretation'!

DOES this person realise that a febrile seizure is another name for an epileptic seizure?:

"A febrile seizure, also known as a fever fit or febrile convulsion, is an epileptic seizure"

"In epileptic seizures, due to problems within the brain,[26] a group of neurons begin firing in an abnormal, excessive,[8] and synchronized manner."

Problems with the brain? That's fine for your kids?

OK Next vaccine nut-case coming up.... (I am Kelly)

My 'claim' was that a febrile seizure is a type of epileptic seizure - and that they are basicaly the same...

These people are so desperate to cling on to their idea that vaccines are such wonderous things, that they will get into an argument over pure semantics, and then when they realise that it makes no difference what you call it - a seizure is a seizure, they then try to say that '1 in 30' kids will get a seizure anyway apparently!? Oh really? With no source or study to back it up.

When this moron has nothing else to say - she then accuses me of 'championig child abuse' !!! I mean really - talk about stooping to the lowest of lows. This is truly a disgusting individual.

Is there any actual proof that 1 in 30 kids get seizures for no apparent reason? I can't find any. The closet to a source I could find said 'experts say so'.
For this to be true a study would have to be doen on unvaccinated kids, showing that 1 in 30 still get seizures. This study has never been done. So any website that claims this is simply lying to you.

Oh my god.... it just never ends.....

( I had previously said "
You probably think that large portions of the population shake their babies so hard it gives them brain damage too right?!!!!" )

Apparently this makes me a 'shaken baby syndrome denier' AND THAT MEANS I AM DEFENDING CHILD ABUSE !
