The Misunderstanding of Disease by the Pro Vaccine Lobby

We are in a very dangerous situation today where we have a vast army of so called medical 'professionals' who largely have a very confused idea of what disease is.
A perfect example is the rhetoric that is thrown around surrounding the dangers of the Flu and the benefits of the Flu vaccine.
Something realy astonishing that I have seen repeated over and over is the idea that being cold does not give you a cold or a Flu. Nonsense like this:

"Although it's called a cold, being cold doesn't cause colds.
  • There are more colds around in winter when it is cold, but it's probably because people crowd together more in winter and are shut together in classrooms and offices - sneezing and coughing!"
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"Cold viruses do not require a weakened immune system. The most common cold-related myth, Tallman says, is that colds strike only those whose immune systems are not running at full capacity. That is simply not true, he says. "You can be healthy as an ox and still get a cold." [ ]

It is really quite incredible how a website like can say that a weakened immune system does not contribute to getting a cold. Of course it does. The immune system is what fights off viruses right? So obviously when it's not working as well, it will not fight off viruses as well. I mean it is just basic logic. Telling people that 1 + 1 does not equal 2, that really an unforgivable blatant lie.

And the first quote from says that people crowd together more in the winter! Oh really? So people don't group together in classrooms and offices in the summer? Really? NO, NO, NO, NO

No, the real reason there is more illness in the winter is because of..... wait for it..... the COLD! Wow! I'm sure I heard that somewhere before, like my entire lifetime, knowledge passed down from grandparents to parents to me. Yes, when you get really cold you are more likely to get sick. That's why you tell kids to wrap up warm in winter and eat hot food etc. That's also why you give your kids Ginger and Lemon and honey in winter to boost their immune system.

Think about it. When you get cold, your body has to contribute more of its resources into making sure your organs stay warm enough. Your body burns up more energy trying to keep warm. Therefore the cold can weaken your immune system. And when that happens you can get sick more easily.

The quote from the moron doctor 'Tallman' has been disproven over and over again and it quite simply a lie. There have been studies done where a group of people (all un-vaccinated) have been injected with a flu virus. Only half of them became sick. The other half fought off the disease by themselves, using their human immune system - which is why you have one, remember?
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This mistaken idea about disease is incredibly dangerous. Not only does it lead people to the mistaken belief that only a vaccine can stop them from getting sick from a virus, it also discourages them from taking measures to boost their immune system, such as eating certain foods that strengthen the immune system.

Not only do medical professionals have a distorted idea about the human immune system, but they also exaggerate the dangers of diseases. I have had first hand experience of this, when a nurse told me that she had personally experienced many babies dieing of pertussis. I later found out that there had only been 18 deaths in 12 years in Australia from Pertussis! THEY LIE TO YOU.

 Just look at the idiotic statements above on and These people are morons. If you can't see that then there is something wrong with you. Of course being cold in winter is what gives people a cold. I can testify to this truth myself. Recently for over 2 years I hadn't been sick once. Not all all. (I live in Australia, but I am from Europe originally). I went back to Europe in winter and was out drinking with some friends. Because I was a bit tipsy, I took off my jacket and was exposed to some very cold weather. Also the alcohol would have weakened my immune system. I cam down with an awful cough that lasted 2 weeks. So how these people can say that that has nothing to do with being cold is a total mystery to me.

Almost everyone has had this common experience I imagine too, yet so many people watch TV and they are told what to believe by the people who are selling these vaccines. Don't be a victim, use your brain!

The people who push these lies are really responsible for more people getting sick. Why? Because:

1) They encourage the false belief that only vaccines stop viruses (and thereby do not encourage proper nutrition)
2) The vaccines they push are often only about 25% effective. So 75% who take them are given a false idea that they are protected when they are not. This again could lead to a lazy attitude towards nutrition - thereby causing more sickness.
3) The vaccines contain LIVE VIRUSES ! Need I say more?

The main cause of the obsession with vaccines I think, is the completely mistaken idea about how dangerous these diseases are. The Flu?! Are you serious? I have never ever heard of a single person dieing of Flu. I guess it does happen, but it is very very rare and almost exclusively people with other underlying conditions. See my article:  Flu vaccine Adverse reaction Stats VS Flu Deaths. 

There are only really 3 groups of people who are in any kind of threat from Flu, Measles, Mumps, Rubella. They are:

1) The very old and feeble
2) The very young (under 12 months)
3) People with other chronic illnesses such as immune dysfunction.

All of these people should stay away from people coughing, sneezing, dribbling etc in order to protect themselves. The old should eat plenty of garlic, ginger etc, just as any adult should, and if they must sit on a bus in winter, they should consider a germ mask.

Babies under 12 months should be breast fed and stay away from other coughing, dribbling kids as much as possible, until their immune system has developed a bit (after 9 to 12 months). If you look into history you will find that many people used to keep their babies away from people for the first few months. This is still practised in India where ancient knowledge has not been completely lost. These days these medical weirdos want to inject your baby with 10 injections and then say it's safe to pass the baby around in the shopping mall. Use your brain.
